Saturday, October 3, 2009

Pastelitos Criollos

Pastelitos Criollos, Factura Specialty in a Pastelería in Buenos Aires, Argentina
In Argentina the word facturas is an umbrella term for all sorts of sweet pastries. In fact, facturas are extremely tasty and extremely unhealthy. There is a broad variety of different facturas ranging from the classic plain medialuna de grasa (lard croissant) to pastry filled to the bursting point with dulce de leche (milk jam). The pastelerías sell them by the dozen (docena de factures) to a fairly cheap price. They give you a basket and tongs for choosing your favorites. For Argentines their facturas are like the daily bread, they love them especially for breakfast or tea time. These ones in the picture are pastelitos criollos (traditional fried pastry).


Andreea said...

Mmm, facturas! :) I remember that every time I went out in Argentina, I seemed to be surrounded by people with mate thermoses and bags of these little sweets. And dulce de leche... Thank God you guys are not adding it to the steaks too, cause it seemed to be in every possible food :)

Rob Siemann said...

My my my, In a way I'm glad not to live in Argentina or Brazil: I would get very very fat! You get facturas here as well, lots of "tiendas latinas"here, but I'm sure they're better in Buenos Aires! Got that tienda nearby owned by a very nice couple from Rosario, that I'm avoiding at all costs, as I want to buy the whole shop every time I go there!

Lowell said...

They certainly look good...except for the unhealthy part. Too much of a temptation for me, though!

Mirela said...

:-D Looks yummy! Also, it seems that very tasty almost always goes hand in hand with unhealthy!

EG CameraGirl said...

These look very tasty! Mmmmm.

Wolynski said...

Wonderful photo. Since when is anything tasty good for you?

peenkfrik said...

Interesting. We have a candy made of milk and sugar we call "pastillas." The same word would probably have a different meaning in Spanish but the term we call our sweet candy could have been derived from "pastelerías."

Silvina said...

Facturas with mate!!! Yummy! OH... I'm so glad I've born here T_T