Saturday, October 10, 2009

Typical Traffic Scene in Buenos Aires

Stuck in Traffic, Street Scene in Buenos Aires, Argentina
There's so much boisterous life in the streets of Buenos Aires -- motorized life, to be frank, that is mostly stuck in traffic. Well, the vehicle traffic here is loud, and colorful, and can be very interesting to watch if you're not in a hurry. You will see people reading the newspaper, shaving, singing, applying makeup, fiddling with the radio or even picking their noses. The guy leaning out of the car window was noticeably flirting with a woman on the sidewalk.

5 comments: said...

What I remember most about Buenos Aires traffic is that pedestrians better hurry and rush across the street if traffic is coming because the cars assume you will hop out of the way and they do not slow down as they approach you.

magicpolaroid said...

yes this is the real situation in the our city, how much the petrol in Argentina?
bycicle in downtown!!!

peenkfrik said...

Applying makeup while in traffic seems to be a very universal thing. Nice to know we have at least one thing in common.

Andreea said...

This reminds me a lot of traffic in my city, although in Bucharest the preferred activities when you're forced to spend hours in traffic are smoking or talking on cellphones, which is illegal of course, unless you have a hands free, but daily I see tens of people on their cellphones talking all the way to the office. And of course, honking at the girls on the sidewalk is another popular one :)

EG CameraGirl said...

In many ways, people are so much the same from city to city! I find that so interesting!