Friday, November 27, 2009

Dancing with the Drill Instructors

Porteños Dancing and Exercising at the Paseo Guardavidas Argentinos in Buenos Aires, Argentina
Truth is Argentinians simply LOVE to dance. And yes, this is absolutely a true cliché. I have seen many people--young and old alike--shaking their bones in public places at day or night or in between. This must be their favored way to "de-stress" from the hectic but exciting life in Buenos Aires. I love watching them! This bunch of Porteños, however, was rather exercising than dancing "drilled" by some demanding dance instructors. Everybody could participate in this lesson for free. The guys did a wonderful sweat-inducing job and, obviously, everybody had a great time. They definitely rocked the crowd!


  1. Oh, I can't dance to save my life. If someone pressured me into a tango lesson when I'm down your way I'd be mortified. My Irish ancestors liked a heavy, steady 4/4 beat. It takes some Latin influence to break the habit.

  2. Sounds about halfway between fun and hard work. But yeah, I remember seing a lot of dancing in the streets of your fair city!

  3. This seems like one of the best methods to de-stress :-)
    Thanks for your always very interesting insights in BA's daily life!

  4. A fun photo! I don't think I could keep up with these dance instructors, though! I'll have to figure out another way to destress! ;-)

  5. Looks like aerobics is quite a popular spectator sport.

  6. Dancing is excellent exercise. I bet they are burning a lot of calories!

  7. oh i would so join this for a day if i could and dance my little heart out... haha... :D looks so fun

  8. The Argentines love to do anything active. Weekends in the parks are amazing. Everyone is out running, roller blading, playing football, having a picnic or a ton of other unusual things like tight rope walking. Truly amazing. I'll have to do a blog post on the park life one day.


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